📄️ Quick start with GaiaNet Node
This guide provides the requisite knowledge necessary to quickly get started with installing a GaiaNet node.
📄️ Install and uninstall
The GaiaNet node utilizes version control from its source GitHub repo. You can check out the GaiaNet node versions from the release page.
📄️ System requirements
You can install the GaiaNet on a wide variety of devices and operating systems with or without GPUs. The node installing and operating instructions work on devices ranging from Raspberry Pi, MacBooks, Linux servers, Windows Desktop, to cloud-based Nvidia H100 clusters. For institutional operators, we recommend EITHER of the following for a GaiaNet node.
📄️ Customize Your GaiaNet Node
A key goal of the GaiaNet project is to enable each individual to create and run his or her own
📄️ Join the GaiaNet Protocol
After successfully running a GaiaNet node on your machine, it's time to join the GaiaNet protocol network and get rewards for sharing computing power with the world by binding your node ID and device ID to a Metamask account.
📄️ GaiaNet CLI options
After installing the GaiaNet software, you can use the gaianet CLI to manage the node. The following are the CLI options.
📄️ Troubleshooting
The system cannot find CUDA libraries
🗃️ How do I ...
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