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GaiaNet CLI options

After installing the GaiaNet software, you can use the gaianet CLI to manage the node. The following are the CLI options.


You can use gaianet --help to check all the available CLI options.

gaianet --help

## Output
Usage: gaianet {config|init|run|stop|OPTIONS}

config Update the configuration.
init Initialize the GaiaNet node.
run|start Start the GaiaNet node.
stop Stop the GaiaNet node.

--help Show this help message


You can use gaianet --version to check your GaiaNet version.

gaianet --version


The gaianet init command initializes the node according to the $HOME/gaianet/config.json file. You can use some of our pre-set configurations.

  • gaianet init will init the default node. It's an RAG application with Gaianet knowledge.
  • gaianet init --config mua will init a node with the MUA project knowledge.
  • gaianet init --base <path> will init a node in an alternative directory.

You can also use gaianet init url_your_config_json to init your customized settings for the node. You can customize your node using the Gaianet node link. If you're familiar with the Gaianet config.json, you can create your own manually. See an example here.

gaianet init --config


The gaianet start is to start running the node.

  • Use gaianet start to start the node according to the $HOME/gaianet/config.json file.
  • Use gaianet start --base $HOME/gaianet-2.alt to start the node according to the $HOME/gaianet-2/config.json file.
  • Use gaianet start --local-only to start the node for local use according to the $HOME/gaianet/config.json file.


The gaianet stop is to stop the running node.

  • Use gaianet stop to stop running the node.
  • Use gaianet stop --force to force stop the GaiaNet node.
  • Use gaianet stop --base $HOME/gaianet-2.alt to stop the node according to the $HOME/gaianet-2/config.json file.


The gaianet config can update the key fields defined in the config.json file.

  • gaianet config --help will list all the available arguments
  • gaianet config --chat-url <url> will change the download link of the chat model.
  • gaianet config --prompt-template <template> will change the prompt_template of the chat model.
  • gaianet config --chat-ctx-size <size> will change the context size of the chat model. The default value is 4096.
  • gaianet config --embedding-url <url> will change the download link of the embedding model.
  • gaianet config --embedding-ctx-size <size> will change the context size of the embedding model. The value here is associated with the embedding model you choose.
  • gaianet config --port <port> will change the port of the Gaianet node API server.
  • gaianet config --system-prompt "<prompt>" will change the system prompt.
  • gaianet config --rag-prompt "<prompt>" will change the rag prompt.
  • gaianet config --reverse-prompt "<prompt>" will change the reverse prompt.
  • gainet config --base <path> will modify the <path>/config.json parameters.

After you use gaianet conifg to change some parameters, please

  1. use gaianet init to make your settings take effect.
  2. use gaianet start to start your new node.

If you use gaianet config --base $HOME/gaianet-2.alt to update some settings, please

  1. use gaianet init --base $HOME/gaianet-2.alt to make your settings take effect.
  2. use gaianet start --base $HOME/gaianet-2.alt to start your new node.

The gaianet config supports multiple parameters in one command. The example below will change the download link and prompt template of the chat model at the same time.

gaianet config --chat-url --prompt-template gemma-chat

The output is the following.

[+] Updating the url of chat model ...
* Old url:
* New url:

[+] Updating the prompt template of chat model ...
* Old template: llama-3-chat
* New template: gemma-chat

[+] COMPLETED! The config.json is updated successfully.


The --base option is global. You can combine it with other subcommands to specify a base directory for the GaiaNet node other than the $HOME/gaianet.