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Install and uninstall

The GaiaNet node utilizes version control from its source GitHub repo. You check out the GaiaNet node versions from the release page.


You can install the WasmEdge Runtime on any generic Linux and MacOS platform.

Install the latest version of GaiaNet node

To install the most recent version of GaiaNet node, run the following command line.

curl -sSfL '' | bash

The GaiaNet node will be installed in your $HOME/gaianet folder by default. If you want to install gaianet in a different directory, you will can use curl -sSfL '' | bash -s -- --base <Path> to specify where you want to install GaiaNet. Once you use --base

Install the specific version of GaiaNet Node

If you want to install a particular GaiaNet node version, run the following command line.

curl -sSfL '' | bash

Update the current Gaianet node

Simply run the following nodes to upgrade your node.

curl -sSfL '' | bash -s -- --reinstall


To uninstall or clear the environment, run the following command line.

curl -sSfL '' | bash

What's installed

If you install the GaiaNet node in the $HOME/gaianet directory by default, you will have the following directories and files after installation:

  • The $HOME/gaianet/bin directory contains the GaiaNet CLI tool, frpc binary and Qdrant Vector database binary.
  • The $HOME/gaianet/ directory contains the llamaedge-api-server.wasm and rag-api-server.wasm for the LLM inference, dashboard (chatbot ui), nodeid.json for the registering your node, and gaianet-domain binary.
  • The $HOME/.wasmedge/bin directory contains the WasmEdge Runtime CLI executable files, which serve as the LLM runtime.

CLI options for the installer

You can use the following command line to check out all the avaible CLI options

curl -sSfL '' | bash -s -- --help

The output should be as the following. You can use the following options to customize your installation.

./ [Options]

--config <Url> Specify a url to the config file
--base <Path> Specify a path to the gaianet base directory
--reinstall Install and download all required deps
--tmpdir <Path> Specify a path to the temporary directory [default: /tmp]
--ggmlcuda [11/12] Install a specific CUDA enabled GGML plugin version [Possible values: 11, 12].
--enable-vector: Install vector log aggregator
--version Print version
--help Print usage