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Quick start with GaiaNet Node

First, let's install GaiaNet a one-line installer on Mac, Linux, or Windows WSL. This installer will download the latest version of GaiaNet Node. Learn more about system requirements.

curl -sSfL '' | bash

Next, run the command printed on the terminal to set up the environment path. The command is started with source.

Next, use the following command to initialize the GaiaNet node according to the configuration options in $HOME/gaianet/config.json. By default, the GaiaNet is initialized with a Phi-3 LLM and a knowledge base about Paris. This command could take some time since it will download a very large LLM file.

gaianet init

Finally, start your node.

gaianet start

Upon a successful start, the command prints a public URL for the node. You can open a browser to that URL to see the node information and then chat with the AI agent on the node.

... ...

The following command stops the node.

gaianet stop

Next steps

  • Customize your node. You probably do not wish to just run the default Phi-3 model and Paris knowledge base.
  • Register and join the GaiaNet protocol network to receive payments.
  • Protect the node server to ensure stable service.
  • Install and manage multiple nodes on a single machine.